
The following three titles will be available either in late 2024 or early 2025:
The Routledge Introduction to the American Ghost Story. Co-authored monograph with Scott Brewster. Routledge
Gothic Disney: Dark Shadows in the House of Mouse. Co-edited with Lorna Piatti-Farnell. Lexington Books.
Gothic Melville. Co-edited with Monika Elbert. The University of Wales Press.
I am also pleased to announce that I will serve as general editor of a new peer-reviewed scholarly journal, American Gothic Studies, which will start publication in 2025.

Current Projects

The Routledge Introduction to the American Ghost Story
Co-authored with Scott Brewster, this study explores the American ghost story as a specific genre or mode, one that cannot be relegated to a subcategory of the American Gothic. It will examine the formal and thematic characteristics of the ghost story in the United States, and will trace its historical development from Puritan and Enlightenment origins to its high point in the nineteenth century and continued vibrancy in modern literary and visual culture.

Gothic Melville
Edited together with Monika Elbert, this collection of scholarly essays will consider the Gothic elements of Herman Melville's prose and poetry.

The Cambridge Introduction to Speculative Literature: Fantasy, Science Fiction, and Horror

Gothic Disney:
Dark Shadows in the House of Mouse
I will be authoring this textbook for Cambridge University Press. This is most assuredly not the cover for it!
Edited together with Lorna Piatti-Farnell, this collection will explore Disney's dark side.

The Horror Theory Reader

Capitalism & the Gothic
Prepared for the University of Minnesota Press, this anthology will gather together writings that explore the oxymoronic appeal of horror.
An edited collection for the Manchester University Press's series on the Gothic